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[域名仲裁] 统一域名争议解决政策之规则 ("规则")(2015年7月开始实行的最新规则)









9194 小时
发表于 2019-3-4 18:43:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本规则适用于在 2015 年 7 月 31 日当天或之后向提供商提交投诉而启动的所有 UDRP 程序。上
一版本规则适用于在 2015 年 7 月 30 日或之前提交投诉而启动的所有程序,具体内容可访问https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/rules-be-2012-02-25-en 。UDRP 提供商可选择在 2015 年 7 月 31 日前通过本规则所载通知程序发出通知。

依据《统一域名争议解决政策》(经 ICANN 批准)发起的、旨在解决域名争议的行政程序应遵守本规则规定以及负责实施该程序的提供商在其网站上公布的补充规则的规定。如提供商的补充规则与本规则冲突,以本规则为准。

  • 定义在本规则中:
    ICANN 指互联网名称与数字地址分配机构。
    共同管辖指法院管辖区位于:(a) 注册商总办事处(假设域名持有者已将其注册协议提交给该管辖区以寻求法院对涉及域名使用或因域名使用而引起的争议的判决);或 (b) 在向提供商提交投诉时注册商 Whois 数据库中显示的域名持有者用于注册域名的地址。
    未决期间指自投诉方向 UDRP 提供商提交 UDRP 投诉到执行 UDRP 裁决或终止 UDRP 投诉之间的时间段。
    提供商指获得 ICANN 认可的争议解决服务提供商。此类提供商列表请访问 http://www.icann.org/en/dndr/udrp/approved-providers.htm
  • 通信
    (a) 在以电子方式向被投诉方发送投诉书及附件时,提供商有责任采取合理可行的手段以保证被投诉方确实收到通知。当被投诉方确实收到通知,或提供商为保证被投诉方确实收到通知而采取下列措施后,即视为提供商已履行责任:
    (i) 向 (A) 注册商 Whois 数据库域名注册数据中显示的注册域名持有者、技术联系人和管理联系人以及 (B) 注册商向提供商提供的域名注册缴费联系人的所有邮政地址及传真地址发送投诉的书面通知;并且
    (ii) 通过电子邮件向以下地址发送电子形式的投诉书及所有附件:
    (A) 该注册域名的技术联系人、管理联系人和缴费联系人的电子邮件地址;
    (B) postmaster@<争议域名>;以及
    (C) 当该域名(或 "www." 后接该域名)能解析至某一有效网页(提供商确认该网页并非由注册商或 ISP 所维护的、可停放多个域名持有者所注册域名的一般网页)时,该网页上显示的或链接到的所有电子邮件地址;
    (iii) 向被投诉方自行选择并通知提供商的所有电子邮件地址发送投诉书及附件,并在可行情况下,向投诉方依据第 3(b)(v) 条向提供商提供的所有其他电子邮件地址发送投诉书及附件。
    (b) 除第 2(a) 条规定的情形以外,依据本规则向投诉方或被投诉方提供的任何书面通信文件均应以电子形式通过互联网传送(并保存传送记录),或分别通过投诉方或被投诉方合理要求的首选方式传送(参见第 3(b)(iii) 条第 5(b)(iii) 条)。
    (c) 向提供商或专家组提交的任何文件均应按提供商《补充规则》中规定的方法和方式(在适用情况下,包括副本份数的要求)提交。
    (d) 文件均应以第 11 条规定的语言撰写。
    (e) 任一当事方均可通知提供商和注册商更新自己的联系人信息。
    (f) 除非本规则另有规定或专家组另行决定,否则所有依据本规则提供的文件的送达日期均应按以下方式进行界定:
    (i) 如果通过互联网传送,则在传送日期可验证的情况下,传送日期即为送达日期;或者,当情况适用时,
    (ii) 如果通过传真传送,则传送确认书上显示的日期即为送达日期;或者
    (iii) 如果通过邮寄或快递服务传送,则收据上标注的日期即为送达日期。
    (g) 除非本规则另有规定,否则本规则规定的所有从文件送达之日算起的期限均按第 2(f) 条的规定,以文件被视为送达的最早日期开始算起。
    (h) 任何通信文件
    (i) 凡由专家组传送给任一当事方的,均应同时向提供商和另一当事方传送副本;
    (ii) 凡由提供商传送给任一当事方的,均应同时向另一当事方传送副本;以及
    (iii) 凡由一当事方传送的,均应根据具体情况同时向另一当事方、专家组和提供商传送副本。
    (i) 文件传送方有责任保存文件传送事实和传送情况的记录,以备相关当事方查验和报告之需。这类记录包括提供商依据第 2(a)(i) 条规定以邮寄和/或传真方式向被投诉方传送的书面通知。
    (j) 如果发送文件的当事一方收到文件未送达的通知,该当事方应立即向专家组通报有关情况(如果当时尚未指定专家组,则通知提供商)。有关文件传送和回复的进一步程序应按照专家组(或提供商)的指示进行。
  • 投诉
    (a) 任何个人或实体均可依据《政策》和本规则向经 ICANN 认可的任意提供商提出投诉,启动行政程序。(由于工作量限制或其他原因,提供商有时可能会暂停受理投诉。这种情况下,提供商应拒绝接受投诉请求。有关个人或实体可转而向其他提供商提起投诉)
    (b) 投诉书及所有附件应以电子形式提交,并且应该:
    (i) 提出依据《政策》和本政策裁决本次投诉的请求;
    (ii) 提供投诉方及其行政程序授权代表的姓名、邮寄地址、电子邮件地址、电话号码和传真号码;
    (iii) 注明行政程序中就 (A) 电子文件材料和 (B) 包含硬拷贝文件的材料(如适用)与投诉方联络的首选通信方式(包括联系人、联系方法和地址信息);
    (iv) 指定投诉方是选择一人专家组还是选择三人专家组来裁决争议。如果投诉方选择由三人专家组裁决争议,则应提供三名候选专家的姓名和详细联系信息,以便从中指定一名专家组成员(三位候选专家可从 ICANN 认可的任一家提供商的专家组成员名单中选择);
    (v) 提供被投诉方(域名持有者)的名称以及投诉方已知的有关如何联系被投诉方或其代表的所有信息(所有邮寄地址、电子邮件地址、电话号码及传真号码),包括投诉前双方交涉过程中的联系信息,这些信息应详细具
    体,以便提供商能够按第 2(a) 条规定向被投诉方发送投诉书;
    (vi) 指明投诉涉及的域名;
    (vii) 说明提起投诉时上述域名的注册商;
    (viii) 指明投诉针对的商标或服务标志,对于每一个标志,如果有商品或服务使用该标志,则说明这些商品或服务(投诉方亦可单独说明在提起投诉之时,投诉方打算将来在其他哪些商品和服务上使用该商标);
    (ix) 根据《政策》规定,说明投诉理由,尤其应包括:
    (1) 争议域名与投诉方享有权利的商标或服务标志是如何相同或混淆性相似的;及
    (2) 认为被投诉方(域名持有者)对投诉所涉及域名不应享有权利或合法利益的原因;及
    (3) 认为争议域名系恶意注册和使用的原因
    (投诉方在说明上述第 (2) 和第 (3) 项内容时,应对《政策》第 4(b) 条第 4(c) 条中适用的各个方面展开论述。说明内容应符合提供商《补充规则》中规定的字数或页数限制);
    (x) 根据《政策》规定,说明已寻求的补救措施;
    (xi) 指出其他已经开始或已经终止的与投诉所涉及域名相关的所有法律
    (xii) 声明投诉方如对行政程序中取消或转让域名的裁决有任何疑义,将把相关投诉提交给已确定的一个以上共同管辖区内的管辖法院;
    (xiii) 在结尾附上以下声明,声明后面由投诉方或其授权代表签字(电子
    "投诉方同意,其有关域名注册、争议或争议解决的要求和补救措施将仅针对域名持有者,所有此类要求和补救措施不针对 (a) 争议解决服务提供商和专家组成员(故意不当行为除外)、(b) 注册商、
    (c) 注册局管理员以及 (d) 互联网名称与数字地址分配机构及其董事、管理人员、员工和代理人。"
    (xiv) 以附件形式提交包括争议域名适用的《政策》副本和投诉涉及的所有商标或服务标志注册在内的所有相关文件或其他证据,并同时提供上述证据的索引表。
    (c) 投诉方可对注册在同一域名持有者名下的多个域名提起投诉。
  • 投诉通知
    (a) 提供商应向注册商提交一份验证请求。其中包括请注册商对相关域名进行锁定的要求。
    (b) 注册商应在收到提供商验证请求的两 (2) 个工作日内,向提供商提供验证请求中要求的信息,并确认已锁定相关域名。注册商应在执行锁定操作后再通知被投诉方行政程序的事实。在 UDRP 程序未决期间,应确保争议域名始终处于锁定状态。如要对被投诉方数据进行更新(例如,通过隐私/代理服务提供商请求披露其所代理客户的资料),必须在两 (2) 个工作日结束前,或在注册商验证所请求信息并向 UDRP 提供商确认锁定状态前完成,以先发生者为准。两 (2) 个工作日之后对被投诉方数据进行的任何修改将纳入专家组裁决范围。
    (c) 提供商应审查投诉书是否符合《政策》和本规则的形式规定,如果符合,提供商应在收到投诉方依据第 19 条规定缴纳的费用后三 (3) 个日历日内,根据第 2(a) 条规定将投诉书及所有附件以电子形式转发给被投诉方和注册商,同时向被投诉方发送投诉书面通知(连同提供商《补充规则》中规定的说明性封面)。
    (d) 如果提供商发现投诉书在形式上存在缺陷,应立即告知投诉方和被投诉方该缺陷。投诉方应在五 (5) 个日历日内纠正此类缺陷,否则将视为撤销行政程序,但这不妨碍投诉方提起其他投诉。
    (e) 如提供商以形式缺陷为由驳回投诉,或投诉方主动撤销投诉,则提供商应告知注册商行政程序被撤销一事,注册商应在收到提供商发出的驳回或撤销通知后一 (1) 个工作日内解除域名锁定。
    (f) 行政程序开始之日应为提供商依据第 2(a) 条规定完成向被投诉方发送投诉文件的职责之日。
    (g) 提供商应立即通知投诉方、被投诉方、相关注册商和 ICANN 行政程序的开始日期。提供商还应告知被投诉方,如要在 UDRP 程序未决期间更正被投诉方的联系人信息,应依据第 5(c)(ii) 条和第 5(c)(iii) 条规则与提供商进一步沟通。
  • 回应
    (a) 被投诉方应在自行政程序开始之日起二十 (20) 日内向提供商提交回应。
    (b) 被投诉方可明确要求将对投诉的回应时间延长四 (4) 个日历日,提供商应无条件地批准此延期,并通知相关方。此次延期不妨碍提供商依据第 5(d) 条规则给予再次延期。
    (c) 回应文件及所有附件应以电子形式提交,并且应该:
    (i) 针对投诉书中的陈述和指控进行回应,同时给出被投诉方(域名持有者)保留争议域名的注册和继续使用争议域名的所有依据和理由(此部分内容应符合提供商《补充规则》规定的字数或页数限制);
    (ii) 提供被投诉方(域名持有者)及其行政程序授权代表的姓名、邮寄地址、电子邮件地址、电话号码和传真号码;
    (iii) 注明行政程序中就 (A) 电子文件材料和 (B) 包含硬拷贝文件的材料(如适用)与被投诉方联络的首选通信方式(包括联系人、联系方法和地址信息);
    (iv) 如果投诉方已在投诉书中选择了一人专家组(参见第 3(b)(iv) 条),则应声明被投诉方是否选择将争议交由三人专家组裁决;
    (v) 如果投诉方和被投诉方中有一方选择了三人专家组,则应提供三名候选专家的姓名和详细联系信息,以便从中指定一名专家组成员(三位候选专家可从 ICANN 认可的任一家提供商的专家组成员名单中选择);
    (vi) 指出其他已经开始或已经终止的与投诉所涉及域名相关的所有法律
    (vii) 声明已经按照第 2(b) 条规定向投诉方发送或传送了回应文件及所有附件的副本;以及
    (viii) 在结尾附上以下声明,声明后面由被投诉方或其授权代表签字(电子格式):
    (ix) 以附件形式提交被投诉方依据的所有相关文件或其他证据,并同时提供此类文件的索引表。
    (d) 如果投诉方选择将争议交由一人专家组裁决,而被投诉方选择将争议交由三人专家组裁决,则被投诉方应承担提供商《补充规则》所规定的三人专家组费用的一半。该费用应在向提供商提交回应时一并支付。如未能按要求支付该费用,争议将由一人专家组裁决。
    (e) 应被投诉方请求,提供商可在个别案件中延长提交回应的期限。经当事方书面约定,并获得提供商批准后,也可进一步延长该期限。
    (f) 如被投诉方在无特殊情形的情况下未能提交回应,专家组应依据投诉书裁决
  • 专家组的指定和裁决期限
    (a) 所有提供商均应制定并公布其专家组成员名单及各成员资历。
    (b) 如果投诉方和被投诉方均未选择三人专家组(第 3(b)(iv) 条第 5(b)(iv) 条),则提供商应在收到被投诉方回应或回应期限满后五 (5) 个日历日内从其专家组成员名单中指定一名专家组成员。一人专家组的费用应全部由投诉方承担。
    (c) 如果投诉方和被投诉方中有一方选择将争议交由三人专家组裁决,则提供商应依据第 6(e) 条规定的程序指定三名专家组成员。三人专家组的费用应全部由投诉方承担,但如果是被投诉方选择的三人专家组,则相关费用应由双方各承担一半。
    (d) 除非投诉方已经选择了三人专家组,否则投诉方应在收到被投诉方选择三人专家组的回应后五 (5) 个日历日内向提供商提交三名候选专家的姓名和详细联系信息,以便从中指定一名专家组成员。这三位候选专家可从 ICANN 认可的任一家提供商的专家组成员名单中选择。
    (e) 在投诉方和被投诉方中有一方选择了三人专家组的情况下,提供商应尽量从投诉方和被投诉方提供的候选专家名单中各指定一名作为专家组成员。如提供商未能在五 (5) 个日历日内按惯例从双方候选专家名单中指定一名专家组成员,则提供商应从其自己的专家组成员名单中指定两名。第三名成员应由提供商从其提供给当事双方的五位候选专家名单中选择。在提供商向当事双方提交五位候选专家名单后五 (5) 个日历日内,双方可凭自己意愿进行选择并将选择结果告知提供商,提供商应合理权衡双方的选择,从这五位中指定第三名专家组成员。
    (f) 一旦指定整个专家组,提供商应通知当事双方指定的专家组成员以及裁决日期。如无特殊情况,专家组应在该日期前向提供商提交其关于投诉的裁决结果。
  • 公正与独立专家组成员应公正独立,并且应在接受委任前向提供商披露任何有合理理由怀疑可能会影响其公正性或独立性的情况。如果在行政程序的任何阶段出现有合理理由怀疑可能会影响专家组成员公正性或独立性的新情况,该成员应立即向提供商披露。这种情况下,提供商有权指定其他专家组成员代替。
  • 当事方与专家组之间的联络任一当事方或其代表都不得单方面与专家组联络。当事方与专家组或提供商之间的所有联络均应按照提供商根据提供商《补充规则》中所规定方式指定的案件经办人进行。
  • 将案件移交专家组当专家组由一人组成时,该专家组成员一经指定,或当专家组由三人组成时,最后一名专家组成员一经指定,提供商应立即将案件移交给专家组。
  • 专家组的一般权力
    (a) 专家组应依据《政策》及本规则的规定,以其认为恰当的方式开展行政程序。
    (b) 任何情况下,专家组均应确保平等对待当事双方,并保证每一方都有平等的机会陈述案情。
    (c) 专家组应确保行政程序以其应有的速度进行。特殊情况下,专家组可应当事方的请求或自行决定延长本规则规定或专家组确定的期限。
    (d) 专家组应决定证据的可接受性、关联性、实质性和重要性。
    (e) 专家组应根据《政策》和本规则规定决定是否依当事一方的请求对多个域名争议合并审理。
  • 程序所使用语言
    (a) 除非当事双方另有约定或注册协议另有规定,以及专家组权威人士根据行政程序的具体情况另行决定,否则行政程序使用的语言应与注册协议使用的语言一致。
    (b) 如果当事方所提交文件使用的语言与行政程序所用语言不一致,专家组可要求当事方同时用行政程序所用语言提供该文件的全部或部分翻译。
  • 进一步陈述除投诉书和回应文件以外,专家组可自行决定要求任一当事方就案件提供进一步陈述或提交相关文件。
  • 当庭听证除非专家组在特殊情况下认为有必要通过当庭听证来裁决投诉,否则不应举行当庭听证(包括电话会议、视频会议和网络会议形式的听证)。
  • 失职
    (a) 如当事方在无特殊情形的情况下不遵守本规则规定或专家组确定的任何期限,专家组应继续进行行政程序,对投诉作出裁决。
    (b) 如当事方在无特殊情形的情况下不遵守本规则的任何规定或要求或专家组的任何要求,专家组应对此作出其认为恰当的推论。
  • 专家组裁决
    (a) 专家组应基于当事方提交的陈述和文件,依据《政策》、本规则及专家组认为适用的其他法律法规和原则对投诉作出裁决。
    (b) 如无特殊情况,专家组应在其根据第 6 条规定获得委任后十四 (14) 天内将投诉裁决结果提交给提供商。
    (c) 如果是三人专家组,应根据多数意见作出裁决。
    (d) 专家组裁决应采用书面形式,并注明裁决依据、裁决日期以及专家组成员的
    (e) 专家组裁决和不同意见一般应符合提供商《补充规则》中关于文件长度的规定。依据多数意见作出的裁决应附上所有不同意见。如果专家组认为争议不属于《政策》第 4(a) 条规定的范围,应予以说明。如果专家组在审阅当事方提交的材料后认为该投诉属恶意投诉,例如企图反向劫持域名或主要是为了骚扰域名持有者等情形,专家组应在其裁决中宣布该投诉属恶意投诉,构成行政程序滥用。
  • 通知当事方裁决结果
    (a) 提供商应在收到专家组裁决后三 (3) 个工作日内将裁决书全文发送给各当事方、相关注册商和 ICANN。相关注册商应在收到提供商发送的裁决书后三 (3) 个工作日内将依据《政策》执行裁决的日期告知各当事方、提供商和 ICANN。
    (b) 除非专家组另行决定(参见《政策》第 4(j) 条),否则提供商应在可公开访问的网站上公布裁决书全文和裁决执行日期。任何情况下,提供商均应公开裁决书中有关恶意投诉的部分(参见本规则第 15(e) 条
  • 和解或其他终止程序的事由
    (a) 如果当事双方在专家组作出裁决之前达成和解,专家组应终止行政程序。和解流程如 17(a)(i) - 17(a)(vii) 所述:
    (i) 当事双方向提供商提交书面通知,请求暂停程序以便双方商讨和解事宜。
    (ii) 提供商确认收到暂停程序请求,并通知注册商该暂停请求以及预计暂停持续时间。
    (iii) 当事方达成和解,并进一步根据提供商的《补充规则》及和解书向提供商提交标准的和解书。标准和解书本身不构成协议,只是对双方单独和解协议中的基本条款进行概括。提供商不得将填写完成的标准和解书披露给任何第三方。
    (iv) 提供商向注册商确认和解结果并抄送当事双方,以便注册商采取相关行动。
    (v) 注册商应在收到提供商发出的 17(a)(iv) 中所述进一步通知后的两 (2) 个工作日内,解除相关域名的锁定状态。
    (vi) 投诉方提供商确认已依据提供商《补充规则》执行争议域名的和解。
    (vii) 提供商在不妨碍当事方其他操作的情况下撤销程序,和解中另有规定时除外。
    (b) 如果在专家组作出裁决前,行政程序因任何原因无需或无法继续进行,则专家组应终止行政程序,但当事方在专家组确定的期限内提出正当反对理由时除外。
  • 法律诉讼的影响
    (a) 在行政程序开始前或在其进行过程中,如出现有关投诉所涉及域名争议的法律诉讼,专家组有权自行决定是否暂停或终止行政程序,或者继续行政程序直至作出裁决。
    (b) 如果当事一方在行政程序未决期间就投诉所涉及的域名争议提起法律诉讼,则该当事方应立即通知专家组和提供商。参见上文第 8 条
  • 费用
    (a) 投诉方应依据提供商《补充规则》的要求在规定时间内向提供商支付固定金额的基本费用。被投诉方如依据第 5(b)(iv) 条规定选择将争议交由三人专家组裁决,而非交由投诉方选择的一人专家组裁决,则被投诉方应向提供商支付三人专家组固定费用的一半。参见第 5(c) 条。除第 19(d) 条规定的情形以外,在其他所有情况下,提供商的所有费用均由投诉方承担。专家组一经指定,提供商即应根据提供商《补充规则》的规定将适当比例的基本费用(如有)返还给投诉方。
    (b) 在收到投诉方根据第 19(a) 条规定缴纳的基本费用前,提供商不应就有关投诉采取任何行动。
    (c) 如果提供商在收到投诉后十 (10) 个日历日内未收到相关费用,即视为撤销投诉,行政程序终止。
    (d) 特殊情况下(如举行当庭听证等),提供商应要求当事双方支付额外的费用,该费用应在与当事双方和专家组协商后决定。
  • 责任免除除非是故意不当行为,否则对于与依据本规则进行的任何行政程序相关的任何行为或疏忽,提供商和专家组成员不向当事方承担任何责任。
  • 修订本版本规则自投诉提交至提供商之时起生效,适用于针对该投诉开始的行政程序。未经 ICANN 明确书面同意,不得对本规则进行修订。

上一篇:统一域名争议解决政策 (the &quot;Policy&quot;):


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9194 小时
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-4 18:43:51 | 显示全部楼层
Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "Rules")
These Rules are in effect for all UDRP proceedings in which a complaint is submitted to a provider on or after 31 July 2015. The prior version of the Rules, applicable to all proceedings in which a complaint was submitted to a Provider on or before 30 July 2015, is at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/rules-be-2012-02-25-en. UDRP Providers may elect to adopt the notice procedures set forth in these Rules prior to 31 July 2015.
Administrative proceedings for the resolution of disputes under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy adopted by ICANN shall be governed by these Rules and also the Supplemental Rules of the Provider administering the proceedings, as posted on its web site. To the extent that the Supplemental Rules of any Provider conflict with these Rules, these Rules supersede.
  • DefinitionsIn these Rules:
    Complainant means the party initiating a complaint concerning a domain-name registration.
    ICANN refers to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
    Lock means a set of measures that a registrar applies to a domain name, which prevents at a minimum any modification to the registrant and registrar information by the Respondent, but does not affect the resolution of the domain name or the renewal of the domain name.
    Mutual Jurisdiction means a court jurisdiction at the location of either (a) the principal office of the Registrar (provided the domain-name holder has submitted in its Registration Agreement to that jurisdiction for court adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from the use of the domain name) or (b) the domain-name holder's address as shown for the registration of the domain name in Registrar's Whois database at the time the complaint is submitted to the Provider.
    Panel means an administrative panel appointed by a Provider to decide a complaint concerning a domain-name registration.
    Panelist means an individual appointed by a Provider to be a member of a Panel.
    Party means a Complainant or a Respondent.
    Pendency means the time period from the moment a UDRP complaint has been submitted by the Complainant to the UDRP Provider to the time the UDRP decision has been implemented or the UDRP complaint has been terminated.
    Policy means the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy that is incorporated by reference and made a part of the Registration Agreement.
    Provider means a dispute-resolution service provider approved by ICANN. A list of such Providers appears at http://www.icann.org/en/dndr/udrp/approved-providers.htm.
    Registrar means the entity with which the Respondent has registered a domain name that is the subject of a complaint.
    Registration Agreement means the agreement between a Registrar and a domain-name holder.
    Respondent means the holder of a domain-name registration against which a complaint is initiated.
    Reverse Domain Name Hijacking means using the Policy in bad faith to attempt to deprive a registered domain-name holder of a domain name.
    Supplemental Rules means the rules adopted by the Provider administering a proceeding to supplement these Rules. Supplemental Rules shall not be inconsistent with the Policy or these Rules and shall cover such topics as fees, word and page limits and guidelines, file size and format modalities, the means for communicating with the Provider and the Panel, and the form of cover sheets.
    Written Notice means hardcopy notification by the Provider to the Respondent of the commencement of an administrative proceeding under the Policy which shall inform the respondent that a complaint has been filed against it, and which shall state that the Provider has electronically transmitted the complaint including any annexes to the Respondent by the means specified herein. Written notice does not include a hardcopy of the complaint itself or of any annexes.
  • Communications
    (a) When forwarding a complaint, including any annexes, electronically to the Respondent, it shall be the Provider's responsibility to employ reasonably available means calculated to achieve actual notice to Respondent. Achieving actual notice, or employing the following measures to do so, shall discharge this responsibility:
    (i) sending Written Notice of the complaint to all postal-mail and facsimile addresses (A) shown in the domain name's registration data in Registrar's Whois database for the registered domain-name holder, the technical contact, and the administrative contact and (B) supplied by Registrar to the Provider for the registration's billing contact; and
    (ii) sending the complaint, including any annexes, in electronic form by e-mail to:
    (A) the e-mail addresses for those technical, administrative, and billing contacts;
    (B) postmaster@<the contested domain name>; and
    (C) if the domain name (or "www." followed by the domain name) resolves to an active web page (other than a generic page the Provider concludes is maintained by a registrar or ISP for parking domain-names registered by multiple domain-name holders), any e- mail address shown or e-mail links on that web page; and
    (iii) sending the complaint, including any annexes, to any e-mail address the Respondent has notified the Provider it prefers and, to the extent practicable, to all other e-mail addresses provided to the Provider by Complainant under Paragraph 3(b)(v).
    (b) Except as provided in Paragraph 2(a), any written communication to Complainant or Respondent provided for under these Rules shall be made electronically via the Internet (a record of its transmission being available), or by any reasonably requested preferred means stated by the Complainant or Respondent, respectively (see Paragraphs 3(b)(iii)and 5(b)(iii)).
    (c) Any communication to the Provider or the Panel shall be made by the means and in the manner (including, where applicable, the number of copies) stated in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.
    (d) Communications shall be made in the language prescribed in Paragraph 11.
    (e) Either Party may update its contact details by notifying the Provider and the Registrar.
    (f) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, or decided by a Panel, all communications provided for under these Rules shall be deemed to have been made:
    (i) if via the Internet, on the date that the communication was transmitted, provided that the date of transmission is verifiable; or, where applicable
    (ii) if delivered by telecopy or facsimile transmission, on the date shown on the confirmation of transmission; or:
    (iii) if by postal or courier service, on the date marked on the receipt.
    (g) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, all time periods calculated under these Rules to begin when a communication is made shall begin to run on the earliest date that the communication is deemed to have been made in accordance with Paragraph 2(f).
    (h) Any communication by
    (i) a Panel to any Party shall be copied to the Provider and to the other Party;
    (ii) the Provider to any Party shall be copied to the other Party; and
    (iii) a Party shall be copied to the other Party, the Panel and the Provider, as the case may be.
    (i) It shall be the responsibility of the sender to retain records of the fact and circumstances of sending, which shall be available for inspection by affected parties and for reporting purposes. This includes the Provider in sending Written Notice to the Respondent by post and/or facsimile under Paragraph 2(a)(i).
    (j) In the event a Party sending a communication receives notification of non-delivery of the communication, the Party shall promptly notify the Panel (or, if no Panel is yet appointed, the Provider) of the circumstances of the notification. Further proceedings concerning the communication and any response shall be as directed by the Panel (or the Provider).
  • The Complaint
    (a) Any person or entity may initiate an administrative proceeding by submitting a complaint in accordance with the Policy and these Rules to any Provider approved by ICANN. (Due to capacity constraints or for other reasons, a Provider's ability to accept complaints may be suspended at times. In that event, the Provider shall refuse the submission. The person or entity may submit the complaint to another Provider.)
    (b) The complaint including any annexes shall be submitted in electronic form and shall:
    (i) Request that the complaint be submitted for decision in accordance with the Policy and these Rules;
    (ii) Provide the name, postal and e-mail addresses, and the telephone and telefax numbers of the Complainant and of any representative authorized to act for the Complainant in the administrative proceeding;
    (iii) Specify a preferred method for communications directed to the Complainant in the administrative proceeding (including person to be contacted, medium, and address information) for each of (A) electronic-only material and (B) material including hard copy (where applicable);
    (iv) Designate whether Complainant elects to have the dispute decided by a single-member or a three-member Panel and, in the event Complainant elects a three-member Panel, provide the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists (these candidates may be drawn from any ICANN-approved Provider's list of panelists);
    (v) Provide the name of the Respondent (domain-name holder) and all information (including any postal and e-mail addresses and telephone and telefax numbers) known to Complainant regarding how to contact Respondent or any representative of Respondent, including contact information based on pre-complaint dealings, in sufficient detail to allow the Provider to send the complaint as described in Paragraph 2(a);
    (vi) Specify the domain name(s) that is/are the subject of the complaint;
    (vii) Identify the Registrar(s) with whom the domain name(s) is/are registered at the time the complaint is filed;
    (viii) Specify the trademark(s) or service mark(s) on which the complaint is based and, for each mark, describe the goods or services, if any, with which the mark is used (Complainant may also separately describe other goods and services with which it intends, at the time the complaint is submitted, to use the mark in the future.);
    (ix) Describe, in accordance with the Policy, the grounds on which the complaint is made including, in particular,
    (1) the manner in which the domain name(s) is/are identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the Complainant has rights; and
    (2) why the Respondent (domain-name holder) should be considered as having no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name(s) that is/are the subject of the complaint; and
    (3) why the domain name(s) should be considered as having been registered and being used in bad faith
    (The description should, for elements (2) and (3), discuss any aspects of Paragraphs 4(b) and 4(c) of the Policy that are applicable. The description shall comply with any word or page limit set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.);
    (x) Specify, in accordance with the Policy, the remedies sought;
    (xi) Identify any other legal proceedings that have been commenced or terminated in connection with or relating to any of the domain name(s) that are the subject of the complaint;
    (xii) State that Complainant will submit, with respect to any challenges to a decision in the administrative proceeding canceling or transferring the domain name, to the jurisdiction of the courts in at least one specified Mutual Jurisdiction;
    (xiii) Conclude with the following statement followed by the signature (in any electronic format) of the Complainant or its authorized representative:
    "Complainant agrees that its claims and remedies concerning the registration of the domain name, the dispute, or the dispute's resolution shall be solely against the domain-name holder and waives all such claims and remedies against (a) the dispute-resolution provider and panelists, except in the case of deliberate wrongdoing, (b) the registrar, (c) the registry administrator, and (d) the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, as well as their directors, officers, employees, and agents."
    "Complainant certifies that the information contained in this Complaint is to the best of Complainant's knowledge complete and accurate, that this Complaint is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, and that the assertions in this Complaint are warranted under these Rules and under applicable law, as it now exists or as it may be extended by a good-faith and reasonable argument."; and
    (xiv) Annex any documentary or other evidence, including a copy of the Policy applicable to the domain name(s) in dispute and any trademark or service mark registration upon which the complaint relies, together with a schedule indexing such evidence.
    (c) The complaint may relate to more than one domain name, provided that the domain names are registered by the same domain-name holder.
  • Notification of Complaint
    (a) The Provider shall submit a verification request to the Registrar. The verification request will include a request to Lock the domain name.
    (b) Within two (2) business days of receiving the Provider's verification request, the Registrar shall provide the information requested in the verification request and confirm that a Lock of the domain name has been applied. The Registrar shall not notify the Respondent of the proceeding until the Lock status has been applied. The Lock shall remain in place through the remaining Pendency of the UDRP proceeding. Any updates to the Respondent's data, such as through the result of a request by a privacy or proxy provider to reveal the underlying customer data, must be made before the two (2) business day period concludes or before the Registrar verifies the information requested and confirms the Lock to the UDRP Provider, whichever occurs first. Any modification(s) of the Respondent's data following the two (2) business day period may be addressed by the Panel in its decision.
    (c) The Provider shall review the complaint for administrative compliance with the Policy and these Rules and, if in compliance, shall forward the complaint, including any annexes, electronically to the Respondent and Registrar and shall send Written Notice of the complaint (together with the explanatory cover sheet prescribed by the Provider's Supplemental Rules) to the Respondent, in the manner prescribed by Paragraph 2(a), within three (3) calendar days following receipt of the fees to be paid by the Complainant in accordance with Paragraph 19.
    (d) If the Provider finds the complaint to be administratively deficient, it shall promptly notify the Complainant and the Respondent of the nature of the deficiencies identified. The Complainant shall have five (5) calendar days within which to correct any such deficiencies, after which the administrative proceeding will be deemed withdrawn without prejudice to submission of a different complaint by Complainant.
    (e) If the Provider dismisses the complaint due to an administrative deficiency, or the Complainant voluntarily withdraws its complaint, the Provider shall inform the Registrar that the proceedings have been withdrawn, and the Registrar shall release the Lock within one (1) business day of receiving the dismissal or withdrawal notice from the Provider.
    (f) The date of commencement of the administrative proceeding shall be the date on which the Provider completes its responsibilities under Paragraph 2(a) in connection with sending the complaint to the Respondent.
    (g) The Provider shall immediately notify the Complainant, the Respondent, the concerned Registrar(s), and ICANN of the date of commencement of the administrative proceeding. The Provider shall inform the Respondent that any corrections to the Respondent's contact information during the remaining Pendency of the UDRP proceedings shall be communicated to the Provider further to Rule 5(c)(ii) and 5(c)(iii).
  • The Response
    (a) Within twenty (20) days of the date of commencement of the administrative proceeding the Respondent shall submit a response to the Provider.
    (b) The Respondent may expressly request an additional four (4) calendar days in which to respond to the complaint, and the Provider shall automatically grant the extension and notify the Parties thereof. This extension does not preclude any additional extensions that may be given further to 5(d) of the Rules.
    (c) The response, including any annexes, shall be submitted in electronic form and shall:
    (i) Respond specifically to the statements and allegations contained in the complaint and include any and all bases for the Respondent (domain-name holder) to retain registration and use of the disputed domain name (This portion of the response shall comply with any word or page limit set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.);
    (ii) Provide the name, postal and e-mail addresses, and the telephone and telefax numbers of the Respondent (domain-name holder) and of any representative authorized to act for the Respondent in the administrative proceeding;
    (iii) Specify a preferred method for communications directed to the Respondent in the administrative proceeding (including person to be contacted, medium, and address information) for each of (A) electronic-only material and (B) material including hard copy (where applicable);
    (iv) If Complainant has elected a single-member panel in the complaint (see Paragraph 3(b)(iv)), state whether Respondent elects instead to have the dispute decided by a three-member panel;
    (v) If either Complainant or Respondent elects a three-member Panel, provide the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists (these candidates may be drawn from any ICANN-approved Provider's list of panelists);
    (vi) Identify any other legal proceedings that have been commenced or terminated in connection with or relating to any of the domain name(s) that are the subject of the complaint;
    (vii) State that a copy of the response including any annexes has been sent or transmitted to the Complainant, in accordance with Paragraph 2(b); and
    (viii) Conclude with the following statement followed by the signature (in any electronic format) of the Respondent or its authorized representative:
    "Respondent certifies that the information contained in this Response is to the best of Respondent's knowledge complete and accurate, that this Response is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, and that the assertions in this Response are warranted under these Rules and under applicable law, as it now exists or as it may be extended by a good-faith and reasonable argument."; and
    (ix) Annex any documentary or other evidence upon which the Respondent relies, together with a schedule indexing such documents.
    (d) If Complainant has elected to have the dispute decided by a single-member Panel and Respondent elects a three-member Panel, Respondent shall be required to pay one-half of the applicable fee for a three-member Panel as set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules. This payment shall be made together with the submission of the response to the Provider. In the event that the required payment is not made, the dispute shall be decided by a single-member Panel.
    (e) At the request of the Respondent, the Provider may, in exceptional cases, extend the period of time for the filing of the response. The period may also be extended by written stipulation between the Parties, provided the stipulation is approved by the Provider.
    (f) If a Respondent does not submit a response, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall decide the dispute based upon the complaint.
  • Appointment of the Panel and Timing of Decision
    (a) Each Provider shall maintain and publish a publicly available list of panelists and their qualifications.
    (b) If neither the Complainant nor the Respondent has elected a three-member Panel (Paragraphs 3(b)(iv) and 5(b)(iv)), the Provider shall appoint, within five (5) calendar days following receipt of the response by the Provider, or the lapse of the time period for the submission thereof, a single Panelist from its list of panelists. The fees for a single-member Panel shall be paid entirely by the Complainant.
    (c) If either the Complainant or the Respondent elects to have the dispute decided by a three-member Panel, the Provider shall appoint three Panelists in accordance with the procedures identified in Paragraph 6(e). The fees for a three-member Panel shall be paid in their entirety by the Complainant, except where the election for a three-member Panel was made by the Respondent, in which case the applicable fees shall be shared equally between the Parties.
    (d) Unless it has already elected a three-member Panel, the Complainant shall submit to the Provider, within five (5) calendar days of communication of a response in which the Respondent elects a three-member Panel, the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists. These candidates may be drawn from any ICANN-approved Provider's list of panelists.
    (e) In the event that either the Complainant or the Respondent elects a three-member Panel, the Provider shall endeavor to appoint one Panelist from the list of candidates provided by each of the Complainant and the Respondent. In the event the Provider is unable within five (5) calendar days to secure the appointment of a Panelist on its customary terms from either Party's list of candidates, the Provider shall make that appointment from its list of panelists. The third Panelist shall be appointed by the Provider from a list of five candidates submitted by the Provider to the Parties, the Provider's selection from among the five being made in a manner that reasonably balances the preferences of both Parties, as they may specify to the Provider within five (5) calendar days of the Provider's submission of the five-candidate list to the Parties.
    (f) Once the entire Panel is appointed, the Provider shall notify the Parties of the Panelists appointed and the date by which, absent exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall forward its decision on the complaint to the Provider.
  • Impartiality and IndependenceA Panelist shall be impartial and independent and shall have, before accepting appointment, disclosed to the Provider any circumstances giving rise to justifiable doubt as to the Panelist's impartiality or independence. If, at any stage during the administrative proceeding, new circumstances arise that could give rise to justifiable doubt as to the impartiality or independence of the Panelist, that Panelist shall promptly disclose such circumstances to the Provider. In such event, the Provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute Panelist.
  • Communication Between Parties and the PanelNo Party or anyone acting on its behalf may have any unilateral communication with the Panel. All communications between a Party and the Panel or the Provider shall be made to a case administrator appointed by the Provider in the manner prescribed in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.
  • Transmission of the File to the PanelThe Provider shall forward the file to the Panel as soon as the Panelist is appointed in the case of a Panel consisting of a single member, or as soon as the last Panelist is appointed in the case of a three-member Panel.
  • General Powers of the Panel
    (a) The Panel shall conduct the administrative proceeding in such manner as it considers appropriate in accordance with the Policy and these Rules.
    (b) In all cases, the Panel shall ensure that the Parties are treated with equality and that each Party is given a fair opportunity to present its case.
    (c) The Panel shall ensure that the administrative proceeding takes place with due expedition. It may, at the request of a Party or on its own motion, extend, in exceptional cases, a period of time fixed by these Rules or by the Panel.
    (d) The Panel shall determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of the evidence.
    (e) A Panel shall decide a request by a Party to consolidate multiple domain name disputes in accordance with the Policy and these Rules.
  • Language of Proceedings
    (a) Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, or specified otherwise in the Registration Agreement, the language of the administrative proceeding shall be the language of the Registration Agreement, subject to the authority of the Panel to determine otherwise, having regard to the circumstances of the administrative proceeding.
    (b) The Panel may order that any documents submitted in languages other than the language of the administrative proceeding be accompanied by a translation in whole or in part into the language of the administrative proceeding.
  • Further StatementsIn addition to the complaint and the response, the Panel may request, in its sole discretion, further statements or documents from either of the Parties.
  • In-Person HearingsThere shall be no in-person hearings (including hearings by teleconference, videoconference, and web conference), unless the Panel determines, in its sole discretion and as an exceptional matter, that such a hearing is necessary for deciding the complaint.
  • Default
    (a) In the event that a Party, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, does not comply with any of the time periods established by these Rules or the Panel, the Panel shall proceed to a decision on the complaint.
    (b) If a Party, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, does not comply with any provision of, or requirement under, these Rules or any request from the Panel, the Panel shall draw such inferences therefrom as it considers appropriate.
  • Panel Decisions
    (a) A Panel shall decide a complaint on the basis of the statements and documents submitted and in accordance with the Policy, these Rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable.
    (b) In the absence of exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall forward its decision on the complaint to the Provider within fourteen (14) days of its appointment pursuant to Paragraph 6.
    (c) In the case of a three-member Panel, the Panel's decision shall be made by a majority.
    (d) The Panel's decision shall be in writing, provide the reasons on which it is based, indicate the date on which it was rendered and identify the name(s) of the Panelist(s).
    (e) Panel decisions and dissenting opinions shall normally comply with the guidelines as to length set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules. Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision. If the Panel concludes that the dispute is not within the scope of Paragraph 4(a) of the Policy, it shall so state. If after considering the submissions the Panel finds that the complaint was brought in bad faith, for example in an attempt at Reverse Domain Name Hijacking or was brought primarily to harass the domain-name holder, the Panel shall declare in its decision that the complaint was brought in bad faith and constitutes an abuse of the administrative proceeding.
  • Communication of Decision to Parties
    (a) Within three (3) business days after receiving the decision from the Panel, the Provider shall communicate the full text of the decision to each Party, the concerned Registrar(s), and ICANN. The concerned Registrar(s) shall within three (3) business days of receiving the decision from the Provider communicate to each Party, the Provider, and ICANN the date for the implementation of the decision in accordance with the Policy.
    (b) Except if the Panel determines otherwise (see Paragraph 4(j) of the Policy), the Provider shall publish the full decision and the date of its implementation on a publicly accessible web site. In any event, the portion of any decision determining a complaint to have been brought in bad faith (see Paragraph 15(e) of these Rules) shall be published.
  • Settlement or Other Grounds for Termination
    (a) If, before the Panel's decision, the Parties agree on a settlement, the Panel shall terminate the administrative proceeding. A settlement shall follow steps 17(a)(i) – 17(a)(vii):
    (i) The Parties provide written notice of a request to suspend the proceedings because the parties are discussing settlement to the Provider.
    (ii) The Provider acknowledges receipt of the request for suspension and informs the Registrar of the suspension request and the expected duration of the suspension.
    (iii) The Parties reach a settlement and provide a standard settlement form to the Provider further to the Provider's supplemental rules and settlement form. The standard settlement form is not intended to be an agreement itself, but only to summarize the essential terms of the Parties' separate settlement agreement. The Provider shall not disclose the completed standard settlement form to any third party.
    (iv) The Provider shall confirm to the Registrar, copying the Parties, the outcome of the settlement as it relates to actions that need to be taken by the Registrar.
    (v) Upon receiving notice from the Provider further to 17(a)(iv), the Registrar shall remove the Lock within two (2) business days.
    (vi) The Complainant shall confirm to the Provider that the settlement as it relates to the domain name(s) has been implemented further to the Provider's supplemental rules.
    (vii) The Provider will dismiss the proceedings without prejudice unless otherwise stipulated in the settlement.
    (b) If, before the Panel's decision is made, it becomes unnecessary or impossible to continue the administrative proceeding for any reason, the Panel shall terminate the administrative proceeding, unless a Party raises justifiable grounds for objection within a period of time to be determined by the Panel.
  • Effect of Court Proceedings
    (a) In the event of any legal proceedings initiated prior to or during an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain-name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, the Panel shall have the discretion to decide whether to suspend or terminate the administrative proceeding, or to proceed to a decision.
    (b) In the event that a Party initiates any legal proceedings during the Pendency of an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain-name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, it shall promptly notify the Panel and the Provider. See Paragraph 8 above.
  • Fees
    (a) The Complainant shall pay to the Provider an initial fixed fee, in accordance with the Provider's Supplemental Rules, within the time and in the amount required. A Respondent electing under Paragraph 5(b)(iv) to have the dispute decided by a three-member Panel, rather than the single-member Panel elected by the Complainant, shall pay the Provider one-half the fixed fee for a three-member Panel. See Paragraph 5(c). In all other cases, the Complainant shall bear all of the Provider's fees, except as prescribed under Paragraph 19(d). Upon appointment of the Panel, the Provider shall refund the appropriate portion, if any, of the initial fee to the Complainant, as specified in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.
    (b) No action shall be taken by the Provider on a complaint until it has received from Complainant the initial fee in accordance with Paragraph 19(a).
    (c) If the Provider has not received the fee within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the complaint, the complaint shall be deemed withdrawn and the administrative proceeding terminated.
    (d) In exceptional circumstances, for example in the event an in-person hearing is held, the Provider shall request the Parties for the payment of additional fees, which shall be established in agreement with the Parties and the Panel.
  • Exclusion of LiabilityExcept in the case of deliberate wrongdoing, neither the Provider nor a Panelist shall be liable to a Party for any act or omission in connection with any administrative proceeding under these Rules.
  • AmendmentsThe version of these Rules in effect at the time of the submission of the complaint to the Provider shall apply to the administrative proceeding commenced thereby. These Rules may not be amended without the express written approval of ICANN.


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